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We Love Our Clients!!!!

We LOVE our clients

12 Reasons to get a Legal DNA Test BEFORE you sign that Birth Certificate...

Reason #12 Loss of Driver's Lic We can help!!

What Is Paternity Fraud?

Paternity fraud is when a mother names a man to be the biological father of a child, while knowing or suspecting that he is not the actual biological father. YOU BETTER KNOW!!!!!

Do you have doubt?

Having doubt whether you are the father of a child or are attempting to prove your paternity? Call J and M Paternity immediately to schedule a LEGAL DNA Test. We come to you??.

Just Have Questions About Your Rights?

Call David Williams below

What Next?

If for any reason you suspect that a woman you are or were involved with has committed paternity fraud, CALL US IMMEDIATELY to schedule for us to come out and perform a DNA Test.Then,seek an attorney who is experienced in dealing with Paternity Fraud. They will be able to advise you further with your specific situation.


David E.Williams Jr

Call 443-708-3962 (In the Maryland area) for a FREE no obligation consultation

Or contact:

Carnell Smith for your free complimentary coaching????

Carnell Smith, The Paternity Coach. He serves and support men and women who want to discover the truth, recover finances, and make changes in the laws related to Paternity and Paternity Fraud. For a FREE complimentary coaching experience with the Paternity Coach, go to: and complete the Intake Application. A member of his team will be in touch!

The Paternity Coach

Paternity Truth University - PTU 678-753-5215.Want to know WHY they call him the Paternity Coach??

Hear his story:




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