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Legal/Non Legal DNA Test

*Legal DNA Test-Court Admissible.
            Non-Legal DNA Test-Peace of Mind only 

*Mother does NOT need to be present.

Family Reunion

GPS Origin Ancestry DNA Test

Discover an engaging way to connect your past with your present through your DNA. This two-part test reveals your ancestral origins and identifies which modern populations share the most similar DNA with you.


Immigration Test

Immigration DNA testing is a paternity, maternity or kinship test that is conducted at the request of the U.S. Embassy, Department of Homeland Security, or United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

Family Walking

Legal Adoption Testing

An adoption DNA test can confirm the biological relationship between an adoptee and their potential birth parent(s).

Image by Tatiana Rodriguez

Aunt/Uncle Avuncular DNA Test

Aunt/Uncle (avuncular) DNA testing may be used if the alleged father is unavailable for testing. The alleged father's brother or sister may be tested with the child to determine if there is a biological relationship.

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Infidelity Semen Detection Test

Do you have a piece of clothing or bedding that you suspect may have semen on it but are unsure? Our Semen Detection Test scientifically confirms the presence of semen with 100% accuracy, giving you the answers you need.
* Items of evidence are: Under garments, condom, pillow case, bedding.


NEW Hereditary Cancer Genetic Test

Has your doctor requested a hereditary cancer test, or do you want to know your risk based on family history? Our test can help identify if you carry genes that could increase your cancer risk.
* Early Cancer Detection  from  family medical history


NEW Healthy Weight DNA Home Test

A personalized analysis and report provide the essential information from your DNA to tailor a weight control program that delivers results.
Personalized Recommendations For:
-The best foods to eat
-Optimal Nutrients(best supplements
       -Best exercises to achieve and maintain healthiest weight
Done by a simple cheek swab.



Prenatal DNA Test

Determines paternity before the baby is born, starting as early as 7 weeks into the pregnancy.

* Alleged Father does not need to be present

Image by Tim Hüfner

Prison DNA Collection

Because J and M Paternity Service is partnered with Maryland and DC facilities we offer DNA Prison Collections for incarcerated individuals. If you or a loved one needs a DNA test while in prison, we are here to assist you.
*We perform DNA Prison Collections in DC and Maryland facilities only.

Image by Irene Strong

Deceased DNA Collection

We've partnered with area Funeral Homes, Corner's Offices, and Crematories to facilitate getting  a DNA Test on your loved one who may have passed away.. J and M Paternity offers compassionate DNA testing services during this difficult time.

Happy Children

Siblingship DNA Test

Determines if you are full siblings, half siblings, or unrelated with DNA testing

Happy Couple

Probate Legal Estate DNA Testing

Estate or probate tests help establish family relationships for estate settlements. We also collaborate closely with your attorney to ensure a smooth process.

Image by Pam Sharpe

NEW Multi Cancer Genetic Panel/Test


Multi-Cancer Panel checks for genetic changes linked to various adult cancers, such as Breast, Ovarian, Prostate, Skin, and Brain Cancers helping doctors confirm risks and guide early detection or treatment plans.


Father and Daughter

New At Home DNA Kits Mailed To You

Don't want to leave your house? Then Don't!! We got you covered. INTRODUCING OUR NEW :
* At-Home Non Legal DNA Test Kit (for $289) Have a Non Legal (Peace Of Mind. Not court admissible) DNA Kit mailed directly to your home.
* Build Your Own Non Legal DNA Kit (for $220) Cant wait for your kit to be delivered? We will instruct you how to build your own kit through our AABB Accredited Lab


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